Good morning America.
This post is not about whether we should agree with or disagree with our next president. It's not about uncovering hidden agendas or promoting new ones. This post is about our responsibility to pray.
In just a few hours from now, our new president will take office and begin his new job. And whether we as Christians are for him or not for him, we should all be praying.
Today is a significant day for Americans and really for the world. And as Christ's Ambassadors, we have a responsibility.
[2 Cor. 5:20 NLT] 20 So we are Christ's ambassadors; God is making his appeal through us. We speak for Christ when we plead, "Come back to God!"
As His ambassadors, let's not miss our opportunity to make a difference through PRAYER. Don't let your voice be heard by screaming "injustice" or by simply trying to be louder than those you oppose.
Instead, let your voice be heard through PRAYER!
Join me this morning as I make my voice heard by PRAYING for our new president, his family and the entire administration. PRAY for America. Pray that there would be a unity among the people. Pray that the church can endure the attempt of the enemy to divide through this historic transition of power in the White House.
There will be many issues that come and go with our new president. Without a doubt, he may make a decision you don't agree with and probably already has. But this one thing will hold true forever... GOD IS STILL ON THE THRONE!!! Take comfort in knowing that no matter who is in the White House, our God's sovereignty will prove more powerful than we ever imagined.
Thank you Lord for being in charge no matter what. Thank you for keeping your hand on your children, both supporters and non-supporters of our new president. Lord, keep us strong in our faith and when operating as your ambassadors, let us not only use your Words, but let us speak with your Spirit.
God Bless America!!!